Risk and contract management

Risk and contract management

Risk Management

The identification, assessment and management of specific risks are among the most important tasks and functions in purchasing

The identification of procurement risks involves the most structured, detailed and, above all, complete possible recording of all significant early indicators or risks of damage and loss potentials, including their interdependencies.

For some years now, a purely internal approach to risks has no longer been sufficient due to the increased complexity in the supply chain and legal requirements. In order to address the changed risk situation, a common understanding of risk throughout the supply chain and an overarching management system are necessary.

We check your entire supply chain for risks and give you a realistic assessment of the risk potential.

Contract Management

Creating the necessary transparency is usually the first step in implementing professional contract management

An important task of contract management for risk reduction is the consistency of contractual relationships: Customer contracts must be reconciled with supply contracts so that they are based on the same fundamentals and conditions (e.g., with regard to payment terms, warranty periods, liability for delays, compensation for consequential damages, lump-sum liability amounts).

The majority of supplier contracts and agreements, from general purchasing conditions to individual purchase orders, are either not up to date and therefore not suitable, or the contracts contain gaps or errors.

We check your contract landscape for up-to-dateness and completeness and develop a set of contracts together with legal experts based on best practice templates, which gives you the necessary legal security.

Supply Chain Resilience

Supply chain disruptions that occur, increase, and persist and require short-term adjustments and the development of resilience to maintain delivery capabilities

The supply chain needs resilience to protect it from attacks and potential negative impacts. This means that it must be able to mitigate most supply chain disruptions and greatly limit the impact of disruptions. Because one thing is clear: The widely ramified, complex web of international supplier relationships, processes based on the division of labor, and logistical network structures is susceptible to disruption.

We develop an integrated concept for you to effectively strengthen your supply chains. We implement digital and cloud-based IT solutions that enable you to quickly and easily access the complete set of supply chain management, control and optimization tools from anywhere in the world.

In this way, the supply chain quickly acquires resistance forces that cannot prevent unpredictable threat moments, but can reliably withstand disruptive factors and extraordinary stresses in any situation


Legal and social requirements for sustainability in the supply chain present many purchasing organizations with existential responsibilities and tasks

The topic of sustainability has become increasingly important in all areas in recent years and is also playing an ever greater role in purchasing. With growing pressure from politics, but also from consumers, a holistic sustainability approach along the entire value chain is becoming indispensable for many companies. Companies are required to take into account all three pillars of sustainability (environmental, social and governance - ESG). Nowadays, it is no longer sufficient to pay attention only to the processes in one's own company. Instead, companies are increasingly required to examine the entire value chain. This also includes sales partners and suppliers.

By optimally integrating sustainability into your procurement, we not only help you meet regulatory requirements, but also simultaneously strengthen the resilience of your supply chains and enable the opportunity to realize cost benefits.