Purchasing management and reporting

Purchasing management and reporting

Operational procurement controlling

Having full transparency on daily tasks, processes, activities and results in view is the basis to ensure the optimal short to medium term material supply

The goal of the operational procurement controlling is the short to medium-term reduction of the costs of the procurement. The operational procurement controlling is success-oriented and has the task, apart from the view of the current liquidity to observe and improve internal procedures as well as success bottlenecks by comparisons to point out.

Operational controlling is a set of instruments for managing and safeguarding business processes in the short and medium term. Within a defined period of time, operational controlling is intended to give timely signals in the event of a deviation from the course, to take countermeasures and to provide future-oriented assistance. The aim is to exploit the existing potential for success as fully as possible without damaging or jeopardizing future potential for success.

With the right information and indicators, we help you achieve a high level of supply security with the lowest possible capital commitment and the necessary flexibility according to your specific requirements and wishes.

Strategic procurement controlling

Appropriate and regular key figures, cockpits and reports enable the necessary decisions and measures to achieve strategic goals and the optimal management of long-term opportunities and risks

The strategic procurement controlling is potential-oriented and has a long-term adjustment. The consideration of the existence safety device as well as the long-term exhaustion of the success potentials and the supply of information for the strategic enterprise planning stand in the foreground. It supplies decision-relevant information, for the management, which aims at the well-being of the enterprise in the long term.

The task of strategic purchasing controlling is to work together with the purchasing management in defining and achieving strategic goals and thus to control the entire purchasing department in a results-oriented manner, as well as to ensure a targeted supply of information to all decision-makers with the help of reporting.

We support you in optimizing purchasing performance with the help of targeted planning, implementation and control of purchasing goals, by introducing a suitable strategic controlling tool in your purchasing department.

KPI Reporting (Power BI)

The assessment of operational and strategic purchasing performance on the basis of suitable and meaningful system key figures supports management in achieving medium- to long-term corporate goals

In order to plan, control and evaluate procurement processes in the company, it is necessary that suitable key figures are defined. The key figures create transparency and avoid one-sided views, drawing attention to possible potential for improvement and cost savings. In addition, the key figures are to be used as early warning indicators for future opportunities and risks.

Not only with a well-established purchasing controlling, but also with the right key figures and targets that fit your purchasing strategy, we support you in the further development of the entire purchasing. Our customers increasingly use a purchasing dashboard, which aggregates all important purchasing key figures in a visually appealing way.

Our Power BI business dashboards can be used by any company. The dashboards work regardless of whether you use complex ERP systems (e.g. SAP, Dynamics BC, Sage), operational applications and separate financial accounting (e.g. DATEV, Diamant, Hamburger Software) or just Excel to manage your business.

Productivity Management

Consistent and systematic identification and implementation of savings and optimization potentials ensures procurement at optimal conditions and thus improves and secures corporate performance

Alongside innovation and growth, productivity is an important lever for securing a company's business success. Although material cost reductions, i.e. one of the core tasks of purchasing, are not classically included in productivity, purchasing nevertheless plays a major role here. Together with the internal and external interface partners, purchasing has enormous potential to increase productivity in the company and thus to improve profitability.

We show you the various possibilities and systematically identify potentials for cost reduction together with you and your purchasing organization. We define the appropriate measures, accompany and support you during implementation, and set up customized controlling & reporting.

For the permanent implementation of a productivity management in purchasing, we integrate the activities into the existing tools and systems. If desired, we also manage a new tool including corresponding processes, roles and responsibilities and transparent reporting.