Procurement optimization

Procurement optimization

Purchasing analyses

End-to-end purchasing transparency enables weak points to be identified and optimization and savings potential to be exploited

In a short time, we provide you with an initial overview of urgent action areas and possible savings potential in a "quick check, or we also review your entire purchasing organization.

With the help of a detailed result evaluation based on benchmark values, best practice examples and many years of experience, we give you a transparent assessment of the current situation and show you possible fields of action, risk and improvement potential.

A focused purchasing analysis is often the starting point for procurement optimization or procurement support. Because only if we know exactly where the challenges and problems lie, we can provide targeted support.

Purchasing strategies

A tailored and up-to-date strategy is the basis for purchasing success, especially in times of changing challenges.

The derivation of a precisely fitting purchasing strategy from the corporate strategy lays the foundation for the development and implementation of appropriate purchasing measures to achieve the set corporate goals. In this way, purchasing works in absolute harmony with the values and goals of the entire company.

Whether you need to restructure your entire purchasing department, optimize a material group, develop specific suppliers or conduct a negotiation, a coordinated strategy is always required.

We know the procedures and have the necessary experience and comparisons to develop a successful strategy together with you and your organization, to define the right goals and to develop the detailed implementation plans.

Purchasing organization

An optimally positioned purchasing organization masters the operational and strategic challenges in equal measure

The purchasing organization is becoming increasingly important in the value creation of a company. However, this presupposes that the organization is optimally positioned, roles, responsibilities and goals are clearly defined and aligned, and processes and tools are optimally implemented. Only in this way can purchasing actually make its main value contribution to reducing costs, product availability and minimizing risks.

Only when these prerequisites have been met can the development towards Purchasing 4.0 and the successful digitization of purchasing interfaces and processes succeed.

We support you in creating the necessary conditions for digital transformation and work with you to design a modern, powerful and efficient purchasing system.

Purchasing Management

Purchasing management means not only knowing optimization potentials but also using and implementing them

"There is nothing good unless you do it". We keep it here with Erich Kästner, who succinctly explains that the best strategy, the best plan and the best concept are worth nothing if the implementation is not done accordingly.

In this step, the strategy consultancies are usually already out of the topic and the purchasing organization is not yet in it. Often the leadership is missing, but increasingly also the time and more and more also the capacity in the purchasing organization to implement the externally or internally created plans and concepts in addition to the day-to-day business.

We accompany and support your organization in the implementation of these projects, also by being operationally involved and thus also providing your employees with the freedom to tackle and implement these topics.

Purchasing training

Professional and targeted training enables you to learn methods, processes and tools in a practice-oriented manner and to use them successfully in procurement

New methods, new responsibilities or even increasing fluctuation in the purchasing organization make training and education for employees more necessary than ever.

Professional training is also an approach to targeted employee development and promotion and a successful strategy and lever for retaining employees in the company.

We offer appropriate training for all services of our service spectrum in order to get to know methods, processes and tools and then to establish them successfully and permanently in your purchasing department.

Purchasing Initiatives

Exceptional conditions and challenges require targeted actions and projects that go beyond normal day-to-day business

The demands on purchasing are enormous year after year due to its value contribution to the company's success. Especially in extraordinary times with dramatic supply shortages, immense cost increases and a lack of skilled workers, the goals set for purchasing are actually not achievable, at least not in "normal" day-to-day business.

The extraordinary goals and results can then only be achieved by initializing and implementing suitable purchasing projects. We have the know-how and the experience from a multitude of projects to support your purchasing department also during the implementation with words and deeds for example in the following topics:

-Cost reduction
-Organization development
-Purchasing transformation
-Purchasing optimization
-Target cost or design to cost
-Overhead cost optimization
-Working capital optimization